Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dara just sent me a picture from our visit with her a month ago, so here is a beautiful shot of Lake Ontario, and The Beach. Makes you want to jump in, eh?


Anonymous said...

Only if you like getting your stomach scrapped by all the lovely rocks on the bottom. What happened to sand beaches?

Anonymous said...

and uh...that's supposed to be scraped. Oops.

M&Y said...

Katrina, you should get a blog. That way, we can respond to each other's things more fluidly, since you are the only one who reads these things anyway... By the way, 200 points to you for being the most faithful responder. Runner up to Police Wife- 50 points.

M&Y said...

Let me know what you think about the milk...

How is daycare, by the way?

Kidgit said...

Okay, here it is for your viewing pleasure, and what have I done?